And if you visited my blog, you should notice there is some changes in my layout.
Yes, I don't need to do any pathetic counting anymore because I've been officially
This also means that we are just done before the 5 years anniversary, which is still about 1 months, 2 weeks and 6 days to go.
Good thing is, Im glad Im hearing from him personally and not thinking nor guessing...
At least, he is honest to me and telling the truth rather than letting problems unsolved.
Guys... I think is hard to be trusted anymore. Promises can be flowerly, and 1 more things I had learned through this from him.
'Words can be beautiful, be sure it is true'
P/s : I really hope things will nv happenned
be strong girl..and welcome to the single club~ i juz join it last two months..lolz.. take good care of yourself u.. *hugSs*
girl... though i dono wats the reason behind the story.. but i do hope u will be fine.. anyway... take care ya
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