Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 17, 2011

B for Birthday, and it's 24th!

Once again, is your birthday again!
The last birthday celebrated with you was like 3 years back before you went to further your studies at UMS.
I'm so glad that this year I could make it and celebrated with you, accompanying you throughout your birthday :)
I still remembered the first time I did a fresh cream blueberry cake for you was for your 19th, and now you are already 24th!
How time flies!
I do hope you will love the cheese cake that I made, and I hope every year I could make a different type of birthday cake for you :)

I do hope you will like the pressie that I gave you, the surprises that I do for you and everything that I did for you.

Hope that all your wishes will come true and promise me to stay happy everyday :)
Don't wish to see you always worrying over things.
Remember, you are not alone, you still have me, your family as well as my family :P

Happy 24th Birthday my dear, with loads of loves and hugs from me :*

Thursday, April 14, 2011

谢谢你们一直在我的身边 ♥

有你们的陪伴 让我觉得我不是在一个人的.
或许 一切 已经注定
人海茫茫之中都可以让我们 认识彼此, 我已经很感谢, 也不敢多多要求
我会记得我们一起写许多的愿望 , 为对方许无数的愿望, 而这一切都会永远记得在我的脑海里.

你们都变成我的能量水晶, 无时无刻都在支持着我, 让我感觉非常的感动.
给我惊喜, 默默的去羽毛球比赛和我打气.

To be continued.......